The story of Chanukah happened a long time ago, 2,155 years ago to be exact, but somehow it doesn’t seem like ancient history. In fact, just this week, an Israeli news agency reported this: “A bronze penny minted by the
New Year, Dark matter, Seasons 12/29/2016
I don’t want to just ignore the secular year that is winding down now so here are some thoughts on the matter. Why is the end of the secular year situated almost smack in middle of the winter as opposed
Pespective on Genesis 1/12/2017
This week we in Shul, we conclude the reading of the book of Genesis, which in addition to the story of creation, covers a broad sweep of approximately two thousand years of human history. Included in that time period are
Democracy, Values and Religion 1/20/2017
This week we are witnessing the grand inauguration spectacle complete with a magnificent parade and parties galore. However, the real crown-jewel of our democracy is not all the pomp and ceremony of the inauguration but rather the underlying peaceful transfer
Time, Space and Life 1/5/2017
I don’t claim to be a prophet because our sages say that after the Temple’s destruction, prophecy was given to fools and I try to avoid that label. So while I can’t know what the New Year holds for us,