As you are most certainly aware, Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us. Of course, it comes around every year on a regular cycle, and we expect to see it in its familiar spot on the calendar, albeit sometimes a little
Yom Kippur 10/6/2016
The recent EpiPen scandal has placed the sky high cost of drugs on the front burner of public consciousness. As usual, Congress conducted some public grandstanding hearings, to be followed by… nothing, and California is holding a of referendum on
Succot 10/13/2016
The whole country breathed a sigh of relief this week as Hurricane Mathew came and went and spared the southeast region the devastation that was predicted by the weather experts. A stage four hurricane with winds of over one hundred
Chabad on Campus 10/21/2106
I have avoided using this Blog to write on topics that might be considered as ‘propaganda’ for Chabad but this time I feel it is justified, particularly since it is being said by others, as the verse in Proverbs suggests,
Breshis – Genesis; Creation 10/27/2016
This coming Shabbat we begin the Torah reading cycle again, starting with the well-known verse “In the beginning when G-d created heaven and earth.” While seemingly simplistic, these opening words also happen to be some of the most significant words
Light vs darkness; Wisdom vs Foolishness. Daylight savings time 11/3/2016
Early Sunday morning we fall back. Daylight-savings time ends at one o’clock am and we are back to standard time. Despite the name daylight-savings time, the truth is that we don’t actually gain or lose any time. We simply train our bodies to wake
Fall Trees growth 11/23/2016
It is Thursday exactly one week before Thanksgiving. We are deep into the fall season watching wistfully as all the glorious cacophony of plant life around us begins to wither and withdraw into its hibernation faze. But there is no
Wind 11/28/2016
I am sitting in my office and listening to the howling wind outside. For the past two days the wind has not let up and the weather forecast predicts that it will continue this way for another few days and
Chanukah Menorah Illumination Story 12/2/2016
Yesterday was the first day of the month of Kislev, the month in which we celebrate Chanukah, and I already have a heartwarming Chanukah story to tell. the past five years we have put up a giant thirty-two foot Menorah
Keeping Warm Internal vs External 12/8/2016
The great annual migration to warm sunny Florida has already begun. So here is my suggestion for those of us who are left behind to face the cold winter here. If you feel cold and want to warm up there